Tuesday, February 3, 2009

12 Weeks- almost out of the first trimester

During my 10 week appointment, Chris and I were able to hear the heartbeat of Baby Muppet. It was a strong 176 beats per minute. While we were there, the doctor asked if we would like to have some genetic screening done. Though, it wasn't necessary, it did come with an extra ultrasound and since Chris didn't get to see the first one, I thought this would be an amazing opportunity for Chris to see the baby.

2 weeks later we are in an ultrasound room waiting for the tech to start the process. Immediately baby Arnold came into view, what a relief, everything was a-okay! Except for one minor problem, the baby was asleep and wasn't cooperating. The tech needed to measure the width of the neck (it indicates the possibility of Downs Syndrome) and the baby wasn't having any of it. Baby Muppet didn't want to awaken from the deep slumber no matter how much the tech giggled my tummy, prodded my tummy and even pushed deeply on my tummy.

Finally the tech asked which one of us was stubborn. I quickly responded, Um that would be my husband Chris. He owns that trait, never mind the fact that stubborn happens to be my middle name too!

The tech, apparently realizing that baby Arnold wasn't going to cooperate and move around so she could finish her measurements, pulled my seat back up and made me complete a form and said we'd try again in a few minutes. Well, that must have been the straw that broke the camel's back. That really made the baby mad. When the tech reclined my chair, there was Baby Muppet kicking, punching and generally really angry that he/she had been woken up. It was really neat to see the baby moving around. I'm so glad that I wasn't able to feel the baby yet because all of Muppet's movements looked like it could have been really painful.

Seeing your baby move, kick (mad or not), and have a good strong heartbeat is amazing. Experiencing it with my husband, the love of my life, my biggest cheerleader was nothing short of magical. It just doesn't get any better than this.

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