Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy

We're having a GIRL!! We went in on Friday for our 19-20 week anatomy scan, to make sure baby Muppet was growing on schedule. I was lying on the bed praying that Muppet was healthy and happy. The tech came in and began small talk, all the while, in my head I'm screaming- don't care about the weather or how cold it is, I NEED to know that this baby is OK. She then asked if we wanted to know the sex- to which I promptly replied "YES, but I already know the sex." She said "Well what do you THINK it is." Confidently I replied "It's a boy!" Chris immediately filled in the details of his family demographics that out of 10 siblings, 1st cousins and one nephew only 1 is a girl. I often wonder how Jill was able to put up with all of those boys! Jill- you are an inspiration!!!

Anyway, the tech put the scanner on my belly and began to take a look around at baby Muppet. And there was the baby, hunched over sleeping like a champ. The tech moved around some more and said, "Well I think you are going to be breaking with family tradition. You are having a baby girl." To which I squealed like a baby piglet (which I resemble right now) and began to cry. Baby, we are buying PINK! The tech continued on that this baby wasn't shy about letting us know she was a girl. I asked her if she was sure the baby was a girl and she said "Yes, I have no doubt that this baby is a girl."

Muppet, like at the NT scan, was an obstinate and uncooperative little baby. She wasn't moving, not even after being prodded, poked and pushed. After about an hour of the tech not being able to get all of the measurements she needed, stopped the ultrasound, and brought me some juice. Several minutes later, she came back and resumed the ultrasound. There again Muppet wasn't shy about letting us know she was a girl. In fact, the tech pointed out the girl parts and then moved on to take other measurements. We got to see an arm with her little fist balled up, we got to see her legs, and both feet, which I'm proud to say looked like it had 10 toes. We got to see her hands and finger bones and her 4 chamber heart beating away.

But the icing on the cake, other than finding out that Muppet was a girl, was seeing her beautiful little face. The tech switched over to 3D mode and coming face to face with a baby Chris and I have created, seeing that she was okay, and seeing that she is a she, well it just doesn't get any better than that!

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