Sunday, May 17, 2009

She's still a girl!

Chris and I went on Friday night for an ultrasound to see baby Carragan. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter, if I do say so myself. But a funny thing happened at this ultrasound. We figured out just whose child she is- I'll let you guess. When the tech started the sonogram- there she was, head down, facing my spine- and wouldn't move. No matter how much that tech wiggled, poked, pushed, prodded that wand on my belly- Miss Carragan wasn't having any of it. Fearing that this would be the case since she acted like that the last ultrasound, I tried to come prepared for this one. I drank a bunch of orange juice, drank a half of a diet Dr. pepper- but nothing. She is obstinate child. So if there is any doubt about whose child she is- I'll give you a hint- and it's not me- she's as stubborn as her daddy.

And did I mention, she looks exactly like him too? Chris and I sat there and marveled at how much she looks EXACTLY like him. She's got his face shape, his nose and his mouth. There's not much that looks like me- maybe she'll have my dimples or my blond hair, but I sure hope she has his eyes and eye lashes.

The technology of the 3D and 4D ultrasound is simply amazing. It's almost as if you are looking at an actual picture. It gives us a window into her little world-a little peek- just to see how she's doing and what she looks like. It helps tide us over until that glorious moment when she decides to come and join us. That moment is less than 11 weeks away- provided she's on time. Until then, seeing this baby on ultrasound, seeing that she looks just like her daddy and knowing it's 11 weeks until she comes, well it just doesn't get any better than that. Enjoy the pictures!!

1 comment:

  1. Those Arnold boys have strong genes!!! None of those boys look like me.....but they did get my eyes & eyelashes, so we all hope Carragan has those too.
