Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Super Stomach Saturdays

Every Saturday Muppet turns another week old in gestation. So every Saturday, Chris and I are going to start posting pictures of my ever growing belly and it's getting pretty big I must say. This last Saturday Muppet turned 19 weeks old. We are almost half way there!!! Without further ado. . . .


  1. hey Momma!!
    Time is a-flyin!! I love reading your blog and I absolutely love your belly!! You look beautiful! I know you are anxiously waiting to find out what you and Chris will have---no matter what Muppet is---it will be loved and blessed by very special parents! Take Care of yourself!
    Love you

    P.S. Will you be coming to Knox anytime?? Baby shower perhaps????? ;+)

  2. My how you-all have grown since the last time I saw you, just a month ago! I'm not talking about Christopher, although has he grown too in the last month? Isn't it great to finally look pregnant? I remember that stage well. It's like, YES, I FINALLY LOOK PREGNANT. You-all are beautiful!!!

    Love both of you -- my bad, all of you!

  3. Well you are looking fabulous!!! I am so glad you are doing this blog and posting belly pictures. I can't wait to see you progress! Love you!
